Connect - Announcements
  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Connect - Announcements

Article Summary

The Announcements screen from the Connect menu allows you to create announcements to be displayed to parents and/or staff.


To view announcements currently displayed, scroll to the bottom of the page to the Current Announcements section.


Create a New Announcement

  1. Announcement - Select New to create a new annoucement.
  2. From Date (required field) - Select the date the announcement should begin to display.
  3. To Date - Choose the date the announcement should stop displaying. If no date is selected, the announcement will continue to display.
  4. Picture – Click Browse to upload a photo to the announcement.
  5. Type - The Type determines who the announcement will be displayed to:
    1. General - Displays to all users
    2. Teacher/Vendor - Displays to staff users.
    3. Internal - Displays to admin users.
  6. Priority - If there are multiple announcements, use the Priority to determine in what order they will display.
  7. Important - This option adds an exclamation point to help draw attention to the announcement. Please Note: This can be used in conjunction with the Priority setting.
  8. Web - Selecting Web will display the announcement on the Provider and Connect Portals.
  9. InSite Check-In - Displays the announcement on the InSite Check-In app.
  10. InSite Parent - Displays the announcement on the InSite Parent.
  11. Room - To display the announcement for families associated with a specific room, select the room in the drop-down. To display to everyone, select N/A.
  12. Category - To display the announcement for families associated with a specific category, select the category in the drop-down. To display to everyone, select N/A.
  13. Semester - To display the announcement for families associated with a specific semester, select the semester in the drop-down. To display to everyone, select N/A.
  14. Title (required field) - Add the title of the announcement.
  15. Announcement (required field) - Enter the details that should display on the announcement. This can include images, links, etc.

Edit/Delete an Existing Announcement

To edit or delete an existing announcement, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the title of the announcement from the drop-down to display all existing announcement details.
  2. Make any necessary edits and click Update or click Delete to delete the entire announcement.

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